Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stardate 87721.56

I realised after telling my helm officer to "engage" that I hadn't checked what the co-ordinates were. We ended up at Vulcan.

Wow, talk about, um, brown. No wonder their chief export is pondering. I joined in on an existential romp through a Sarekian diplomatic interjectorial discussion. Fun times. Fun times.

I did pick up some juicy information on an Ambassador that needed a lift through a recently Klingoned area. I headed to the starbase to pick him up, using my full diplomatic ability.

He looked unimpressed. I also picked up two new crewmembers.

The science officer is a female Trill, Reggie, the engineer is a human called Dwight. He insists the little viewy thing he has there helps him scan for micro-fissures, pressure variations, tachyons, that sort of thing. I managed to sneak in behind him one time and look over his shoulder. I'm sure I saw re-runs of Checkpoint Chekov, you know, the comedy set in Rura Penthe (the Klingon prison world) where Chekov and the gang are always foiling the plans of the local Klingon Commandant Klang (the merciless).

I look forward to seeing how they acquit themselves in battle and stuff. Of course, we're on a diplomatic mission, so I'm sure it'll be plain sailing!

We had one small detour to make, a distress call from a mining vessel. 

I escorted the damaged ship through the asteroid field without incident and after assisting with the repairs, they helped improve the Determinations shields, so an overall success there.

Then it was on with the diplomatic mission. The ambassador had been ranting and raving about the delays as we helped the freighter. Very unbecoming, particularly odd when he's Vulcan.

No sooner had we arrived when a Klingon battle cruiser hailed us. They said that our passenger was not a Vulcan, but a shapeshifter and that they would do what they could to stop us. Ha. They'll try anything to get into a fight. Bring it on!

Three Bird Of Prey class ships and one of their big cruisers later and I was regretting charging so quickly into battle. I poured all available power to the shields and eventually fought them off before taking shelter near a moon that looked as dead as the poor Determination.

Fortunately between myself, Dwight and the rest of the Engineering crew, we managed to fix it up. Don't believe me? Well, we actually did have some more help in the form of a friendly Vulcan "brother" of mine. Of course, we're not actually brothers, being from opposite sides of the quadrant. We trained in Starfleet together though. 

He beamed down with me, there were Klingon raiding parties on the planet too, at a Vulcan monastery, where you can imagine, it's usually not got parties of any sort.

Vulcario and I were great together, mowing down Klingon hordes. Of course, my crew was there for support as well.

And wouldn't you know it, after we'd killed the last Klingon, it turned out they were right after all, the Ambassador WAS a shapeshifter. A mean, nasty one at that.

He withdrew under our withering fire while he had the wherewithal to do so. We beamed up to chase him to his ship. It turned out he had a BIG ship.

Fortunately for us, the fleet was on it's way. All we had to do was hold out for a few minutes while they arrived. The vessel had huge plasma torpedoes that Vulcario and I ensured were our primary target. Anthi at the tactical console did a great job of intercepting the plasma with our phasers and neither ship was damaged overly much by the time the fleet arrived to assist.

Well, after that success we were warned by the admiral to check all future taxi fares carefully. Vulcario and I headed in our separate ways, I had a starbase that needed help, some Klingons were attacking it (again with the Klingons) and a scientist or six were stubbornly refusing to evacuate until they knew their research was safe.

Well, me and the gang fought our way through more Klingon attack vessels before beaming over to the assaulted Starbase.

The guy there that I haven't mentioned before, um, I forget his name. He's what we in the biz call a "redshirt". It's a bit sad. He didn't make it.

On the plus side, one of the researchers had been investigating weapons technology. I assured him that I would help in the prototype testing phase, in the interest of all Starfleet science and engineering. We chatted shop, flux capacitors, confarbulating yargleblasts etc. In the end I got me a hogie of a shiny gun! (For Science!)

We saved the last scientist, beamed ourselves back to the Determination and then warped out of there. We had recovered a lot of good research that we stored in our databanks, you know, for safe keeping. So headed off somewhere quiet to see if we could make some more improvements to the ship.

And that's where we are now, I'd better get back to work. We have new impulse engine and phaser ideas to be implemented. The asteroid field we've chosen to hide in should be safe enough.

Sparky... out.

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